216 Milwaukee Street Spencer, IA 51301

Price $3,000
Status Active
MLS# 240910
Baths N/A
Beds N/A
Type Commercial
Year Built 1950

Property Description

Looking for storage or a place to run your business look no further!!!! This property is ready for you to Rent with 3 year lease contract. Building 1: Warehouse (Storage),Vinyl - Frame, 1 Story, 5280 SF, Floor - dock level adjustment, 5280 SF Warehouse (Storage), Vinyl - Frame, 1 Story, 7200 SF, Floor - dock level adjustment, 7200 SF Addition 2: Office - Building Extras: #1- Door, O.H. - Door - Manual, 9 Ft Wide, 10 Ft High, 1963, Qty2 #2- Door, O.H. - Door - Manual, 8 Ft Wide, 9 Ft High, 1963, Qty1 Building 2: Metal Warehouse - Rigid Steel Frame, Metal/ Steel (< 50' Wide), 1 S

Legal: TR SE & SW FORMER R.R. PROPERTY 7-96-36 L & I


  • MLS #   240910
  • List Price   $3,000
  • Category   Rent
  • Sub Type   Commercial
  • Property Type   COMMERCIAL
  • Address   216 E Milwaukee Street
  • City   Spencer
  • State   IA
  • Postal Code   51301
  • SQFT   6000
  • Taxes   4824
  • Tax Year   2022
  • Year Built   1950


  • Fireplace    No


  • Office    EXIT Realty Midwest- Spencer/Emmetsburg

Property location

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Loan Amount : $2400
Monthly Payment : $14.38

216 Milwaukee Street (MLS # 240910) is a property located in Spencer, IA. MLS# 240910 is a Commercial which has N/A bedrooms, N/A bathrooms, is 6000 sqft and listed with a price $3,000 on Bojihomes.com. 216 Milwaukee Street is situated in the area of the Iowa Great Lakes located in Northwest IA. Find detailed information about 216 Milwaukee Street, Spencer, IA 51301 including interior & exterior features, photos, as well as community and market stats for Spencer, IA. Contact RE/MAX Lakes Realty at to receive personalized Spencer, IA real estate service. He will provide you information and key facts based on years of knowledge and experience, about 216 Milwaukee Street, Spencer, IA 51301. RE/MAX Lakes Realty will also provide you with a comparative market analysis (CMA) for similar homes for Rent in Spencer, IA. Explore 99 more homes for Rent in Spencer as well as 99 more properties for Rent in 51301 using Bojihomes.com MLS Search of off lake homes for East Lake, West Lake, and Big Spirit Lake..